Saturday, December 31, 2005

#52 Birthday in Chicago

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right click (option+click on a Mac) to download.)

Wherein I record the conversation we (Ruth, Liz, Liz's friend Liz Browning and I) had on our way to Chicago to meet Andrea and have a birthday celebration dinner for Liz (our Liz, that is), who turned 21 on December 28th.

We talk about "Facebook", my wife's gullibility, the girls career goals and deodorant.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

#51 Podcasting and Music Ramblings

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right click (option+click on a Mac) to download.)

Wherein I ramble on about things happening in the podcasting world, including my possible involement with Podshow. I also think that Frappr maps are pretty cool. Click here to see my map for the No Idle Frets podcast I do.

Here is a link to my favorite Christmas CD. Listen to some of the clips at Amazon.

I am also a big fan of "renting" music rather than owning it. I subscribe to Virgin's service, which is PC only but has a great library of music that you can listen to when you choose. Real has just announced support for the Mac.

For classical music you can't beat the various options of streaming music available from Naxos.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

#50 Lollygagging with Liz, Part 2

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right click (option+click on a Mac) to download.)

Wherin I continue my conversation with Liz, my daughter.

Hey, its show #50. Didn't think the show would last this long, did you? Do you think I'll make it to #100?


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