Saturday, July 30, 2005

#32 Hangin' with Harry

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right click (option+click on a Mac) to download.)

Wherein I, once again, go sailing. This time with Harry Fischer on a Soling. Here is the Tuning Guide to the Soling.

Thanks for listening and subscribing. You can subscribe, easily, by using iTunes, clicking on the Podcast link and typing "ramblings" in the search field.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

#31 Jawbonin' with Jim, Part 2

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right (option) click to download.)

Wherein I continue by talk with Jim Morgenroth. He talks of his involvement in publishing in Russia and eventually working in the former Soviet Bloc countries assisting the Orthodox Church through World Vision and Gospel Light. He also mentions that everyone should read "Can Man Live Without God" by Ravi Zacharias. Check out Ravi's website here.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

#30 Jawbonin' with Jim

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right (option) click to download.)

Wherein I talk with Jim Morgenroth, one of my dearest friends. We've been through a lot together. Most importantly, perhaps, we went together to Leningrad, Russia in December, 1990, for three weeks. It changed our lives, but turned Jim's around. He now travels the former Soviet Bloc, working for World Vision and Gospel Light International, producing children's educational materials for the Orthodox Church.

Watch for part 2 next week.

Hope you enjoy the show. I really do appreciate you listening.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Gabbing with Greg, Part 2

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right (option) click to download.)

Wherein I finish my conversation with Greg Martens. What can I say? Some of us are dealt a pretty poor hand; what are we going to do with it, how will we play it out? Listen to Greg explain how you play the hand he's been dealt.

Thanks for listening. I appreciate it a lot.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Gabbing with Greg

(Click on the title to hear the podcast or right (option) click to download.)

Wherein I sit down and have a chat with Greg Martens, recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. We talk about the disease, dealing with mortality and drumming.

With a new month comes the chance to vote at Podcast Alley. Also, check out the new version of iTunes.

Talk to you next week.

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